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Flow characteristics of variable hydraulic transformer

作者: 杨冠中 姜继海 来源:Journal of Central South University 日期: 2022-10-24 人气:122
Flow characteristics of variable hydraulic transformer
A new kind of hydraulic transformer, called variable hydraulic transformer(VHT), is proposed to control its load flow rate. The hydraulic transformer evolves from a pressure transducer to a power transducer. The flow characteristics of VHT, such as its instantaneous flow rates, average flow rates, and flow pulsations in the ports, are investigated. Matlab software is used to simulate and calculate. There are five controlled angles of the port plate that can help to define the flow characteristics of VHT. The relationships between the flow characteristics and the structure in VHT are shown. Also, the plus-minus change of the average flow rates and the continuity of the instantaneous flow rates in the ports are presented. The results demonstrate the performance laws of VHT when the controlled angles of the port plate and of the swash plate change. The results also reveal that the special principle of the flow pulsation in the ports and the jump points of the instantaneous curves are th...


作者: 刘成强 姜继海 高丽新 杨冠中 来源:哈尔滨工业大学学报 日期: 2020-05-22 人气:110
为了减小电液伺服斜盘柱塞式液压变压器的压力冲击,降低噪声,提高其运行平稳性,本文基于ADINA软件的流固耦合功能对液压变压器的配流盘缓冲槽进行了研究.在Pro/E中建立了配流结构的流体模型和固体模型,导入到ADINA软件中建立有限元模型,分析了配流缓冲结构的流场,并对结构进行了有限元校核,设计制造了带有三角槽缓冲结构的配流盘,基于搭建的液压变压器实验台进行了实验研究.结果表明所设计的配流盘能够使液压变压器运行平稳,最低转速达到35 r/min,噪声显著降低,可靠性明显提高,验证了理论分析的正确性.


作者: 刘成强 刘银水 杨冠中 来源:液压与气动 日期: 2020-01-20 人气:87