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Asymmetric vibration characteristics of two-cylinder four-stroke single-piston hydraulic free piston engine

作者: 任好玲 谢海波 杨华勇 郭剑飞 来源:Journal of Central South University 日期: 2022-10-26 人气:140
Asymmetric vibration characteristics of two-cylinder four-stroke single-piston hydraulic free piston engine
The structure and working principle of a two-cylinder four-stroke single-piston hydraulic free piston engine(HFPE) were introduced. The basic vibration equation of free piston assembly(FPA) was established based upon the energy conversion between the injected fuel and the friction together with the load. Both the theoretical and numerical results show that the vibration system of FPA is a nonlinear conservative autonomous system in one cycle. The FPA vibration is symmetric with constant amplitude when FPA is only driven by the compression pressure in the compression accumulator and that in the combustion chamber. When considering the friction and load, FPA could still achieve a stable vibration after a few cycles' adjustment whether the input energy is equal to the consumed energy or not. The vibration characteristics are different when FPA vibrates in the compression stroke and the expansion stroke, which is the unique feature of the single-piston HFPE.


作者: 张驰 周平运 来源:农机使用与维修 日期: 2021-12-31 人气:96

MAN B&W 6L23/30型副机连杆大端螺栓受力异常原因分析及解决方案

作者: 李桂林 来源:航海技术 日期: 2021-12-17 人气:188
MAN B&W 6L23/30型副机连杆大端螺栓受力异常原因分析及解决方案
1背景资料1.1船舶情况某油船船龄6年,配备3台MAN B&W 6L23/30型副机,该机型为直列式、四冲程、增压中冷、四气阀,额定转速720 r/min,额定功率750 k W。拆卸和安装缸盖螺母、连杆大端螺栓、主轴承螺栓等均采用液压拉伸器,液压紧固压力为750 bar(1 bar=0.1MPa),最大紧固压力为775 bar。


作者: 李良 孙记树 刘美庆 李福海 来源:中国船检 日期: 2021-02-04 人气:96